3.5 Google Sign In Setup for Android

  • Go to Firebase console>Your Project>Authentication>Sign-in-method and enable both email/password and google and save it.

  • You have to configure some stuff for Google sign-in. Go to the Google Cloud Console.

  • Make sure you are signed in with the same account with which you have created the Firebase project.

  • Also, make sure that on the top-left corner, your project is selected for which you are filling this consent.

  • Go to the Credentials → OAuth consent screen tab and start filling out the form.

  • Enter the Application name, Application logo, and Support email.

  • In all these places, you have to enter the same link starting with http:// and then your app domain name which I have marked with green below.

  • Then, scroll down and fill in the Application Homepage link, Application Privacy Policy link, and Application Terms of Services link.

  • Click on Save. That's it. You have completed your Google sign-in setup for Android.

Last updated